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"It rained the greater part of last night and still continues to rain this morning. I therefore determined to take up the remaining perogue this morning for which purpose *I took with me every man that could be of any service. a small distance above the camp there is one of the most difficult parts of the rapid. at this place the current sets with great violence against a projecting rock. in hawling the perogue arround this point the bow unfortunately took the current at too great a distance from the rock, she turned her side to the stream and the utmost excertions of all the party were unable to resist the forse with which she was driven by the current, they were compelled to let her loose the cord and of course both perogue and cord went a drift with the stream. the loss of this perogue will I fear complell us to purchase one or more canoes of the indians at an extravegant price... for the three last days this inclusive we have made only 7 miles. " "The loss of one of our perogues rendered it necessary to distribute her crew and cargo among the 2 remaining perogues and 2 canoes, which being done we loaded and set out... we found the additional laiding which we had been compelled to put on board rendered our vessels extreemily inconvenient to mannage and in short reather unsafe in the event of high winds; I therefore left Capt. C. with the two perogues to proceede up the river on the N. Side and with the two canoes and some additonal hands passed over the river above the rapids to the Y-eh-huh village* in order to purchase one or more canoes. they appeared very friendly and I soon obtained two small canoes from them for which I gave two robes and four elkskins. I also purchased four paddles and three dogs from them with deerskins. the dog now constitutes a considerable part of our subsistence and with most of the party has become a favorite food; certain I am that it is a healthy strong diet, and from habit it has become by no means disagreeable to me, I prefer it to lean vension or Elk and is very far superior to the horse in any state." We renewed our voyage… there was a large village, got 2 canoes and 3 dogs." Y-eh-huh village* - South side of the Columbia, in Hood River County, Oregon "At 10 o’clock we continued our voyage, and at 1 came to a new settlement of the natives, where we saw some horses, the first we have seen since October last." "attempted to purchase horses, could not agree on the price…we set out. we halted a few minutes at the sepulchre rock and examined the depostis of the ded at that place. about 3 o’clock we came to Rock Camp." "This was a pleasant day. As we did not expect to be able to navigate the Columbia river much farther, Captain Clarke, with some of the men and some goods went over the river to endeavour to procure some horses. " "- This evening Willard and Cruzatte returned from Capt. Clark and brought me a note in which Capt. C. informed me that he had sill been unsuccessful having not obtained a single horse as yet from the natives and the state of our stores are so low that I begin to fear we shall not be enabled to obtain as many horses at this place as will convey our baggage and unless we do obtain a sufficient number must still be conveyed by water. Capt. C. informed me that he should proceed as far as the Eneshur village today and would return tomorrow and join me at the Skillute village place I mead to proceed with the party tomorrow. I dispatched Shannon with a note to Capt. Clark in which I requested him to double the rice we have heretofore offered for horses and if possible obtain as many as five, by this means we shall be enabled to proceed immediately with our small canoes and those horse to the villages in the neighbourhood of the mussel shell rapid* where horses are more abundant and cheaper ." mussel shell rapid* - In the area of present McNary Dam, and Plymouth, Benton County, Washington. "Great numbers of Indians from defferent derections visited me at this place to day. None of them appeared willing to part with their horses, but told me that several were comeing from the plains this evening. at 3 PM Sergt. Ordway & three men arived from Cap Lewis they brought with them several Elk Skins, two of my coats and 4 robes of the party to add to the Stores I had with me for the purchase of horses. Sgt O. informed me that Cap L. had arrived with all the Canoes into the bason 2 miles below and wished some dogs to eate. I had 3 dogs purchased and sent down. at 5 PM Capt. Lewis Came up. he informed me that he had the river to the bason with much difecuelty and danger, haveing made one portage. as I had not splept but very little for the two nights past on account of mice & virmen with which the indian houses abounded ... I deturmined to proceed with Capt L. down to Camp at the bason. left Drewyer and three others with the merchandize at the village." Clark "Great joy with the nativs last night in consequence of the arrival of the Salmon. They informed us that those fish would arrive in great quantities in the course of about 5 days." "Found that I should get no more horses and therefore resolved to proceed tomorrow morning with those which I had and to convey the baggage in two small canoes that the horses could not carry." "In the afternoon we arrived at the great falls of the Columbia, where we met with Captain Clarke and the men that were with him, Here we got another horse; carried our canoes and baggage round the falls and halted for dinner."