On July 3, 1806, the Corps of Discovery left Travelers' Rest. Captain Lewis and nine men went to pursue a direct route to the Missouri, then explore Maria's river. Captain Clark and the rest of the party went a new route to the Jefferson River, then descended to the Three Forks and then proceeded with a detachment party to explore the Yellowstone, while Sergeant Ordway, with nine men, descended the Missouri. Map of Routes
Lewis August 8, 1806
"not finding Capt. Clark I knew not what
calculation to make with rispect to his halting and therefore
determined to proceed on... halted at this place untill the
perogue and canoe could be repared and the men dress skins and
make themselves the neccessary clothing. we encamped on the NE
side of the river*" river* -Williams County, several miles southwest of Williston Clark August 8, 1806 "The note I left on a pole at the Mouth of the
River Rochejhone Sergt. Pryor concluding that Capt. Lewis had
passed took the note and brought it with him." Lewis August 9, 1806 " the men were all engaged dressing skins and makeing themselves cloathes except R & J. Fields whom I sent this morning in surch of Capt. C. " Clark August 9, 1806 " the woman brought me a large and well flavoured
Goose berry, which is common on this river as low as the Mandans...
late in the evening walked in a Grove of timber where I met an Elk
which I killed. this Elk was the largest Buck I ever Saw and the
fattest animal which have been killed on the rout." Lewis August 10, 1806 "at 4 in the evening it clouded up and began to rain
which puting a stop to the opperation of skin dressing we had nothing
further to detain us, I therefore directed the vessels to be loaded and
at 5 PM got under was... encamped on the SW side*. the musquetoes
more then usually troublesome this evening." Clark August 10, 1806 "had the flesh of the elk hung on poles to dry, and Sent out the hunters ... I finished a Copy of my Sketches of the River Rochejhone (Yellowstone River) ." "jus opposite to the birnt hills there happened to be a herd of Elk on a thick willow bar... I determined to land and kill some...I went out with Cruzatte only. we fired on the Elk I killed one and he wounded another, we reloaded our guns and took different routs through the thick willows in pursuit of the Elk; I was in the act of firing on the Elk a second time when a ball struck my left thye about an inch below my hip joint, the stroke was very sincere... I instantly supposed that Cruzatte had shot me in mistake for an Elk as I was dressed in brown leather and he cannot see very well; under this impression I called out to him damn you, you have shot me,... seeing nothing and hearing nothing I was now preswaded that it was an indian ... calling out to Cruzatte to retreat that there were indians hoping to allarm him in time to make his escape; I now got back to the perogue as well as I could; in a state of anxiety and suspense remianed about 20 minutes when the party returned with Cruzatte and reported that there were no indians; Cruzatte seemed much alarmed and declared if he had shot me it was not his intention." Clark August 11, 1806 " I observed a Canoe near the shore... I found two men from the illinoies... those men were on a trapping expedition. They inform me that they left the Illinois in the Summer of 1804. Those men further informed me that they met the boat and party we Sent down from Fort Mandan near the Kanzas river on board of which was a Chief of the Ricaras that he met the Yankton Chiefs with Mr. Deurion, and several other traders on their way down." "Being anxious to overtake Capt. Clark.. we set out early and proceeded with all possible expedition.... at 1 PM I overtook Capt. Clark and party and had the pleasure of finding them all well. as wrighting in my present situation is extreemly painfull to me I shall disist untill I recover and leave to my friend Capt. C. the continuation of our journal." Clark August 12, 1806 "Capt Lewis in Sight with the party... I was alarmed on the landing of the Canoes to be informed that Capt. Lewis was wounded by an accident - I found he lying in the Perogue, he informed me that his wound was slight and would be well in 20 or 30 days... I examined the wound and found it a very bad flesh wound the ball had passed through the fleshy part of his left thy ." Clark August 13, 1806 "all hands were on board and we Set out... haveing came by the assistance of the wind, the Current and our oars 86 miles " " proceeded on ... Came to a croud of natives ... Mah-har-ha's at which place I saw the prinicpal Cheif of the Little Village of the Menitarre (Black Moccasin) & the prinicipal Cheif of the Mah-har-has (White Buffalo Robe) those people were extreamly pleased to see us... Proceeded on to the Black Cats Village; who appeared equally pleased to see us... I walked up to the Black Cats village & eate some Simnins (summer squash) and Smoked a pipe.