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April 26, 1806 "The country is level and has a most beautiful appearance. On these plains there is a species of clover, as large as any I have seen, and has a large red handsome blossom…. We travelled about 25 miles and encamped at a small grove of willows." April 27, 1806 "This morning we were detained untill 9 AM in consequence of the absence of one of Charbono's horses. horse being at length recovered we set out ... passed through a Country Similar to that of yesterday ( passed Muscle Shell rapid *) and at the experation of this distance again approached the river, and are rocky abrupt and 300 feet high. we assended the hill and marched through a high plain 10 miles where we again returned to the river. we halted.. made a small fire and boiled a small quantity of our jurked meat on which we dined. While here we were met by the principal Chief of the Wal lah wal lah Nation and several of his nation. this chief by the name Yel lep pet** had visited us on the morning of the 19th of Octr. at our encampment imedeatly opposit to us; we gave him a that time a Smal Medal and promised him a large one on our return. he appeared much gratified at Seeing us return. he envited us to remain at this village 3 or 4 days and assured us that we should be furnished with a plenty of such food as they had themselves and some horses to assist us on our journey. after our scanty repast we continued our March accompanied by Yelleppit and his party to the Village which we found at the distance of 6 miles, situated on the North Side of the river. Yelleppet haranged his village in our favor. we purchased 4 dogs of those people on which the party suped haritly haveing been short allowance for near 2 days." Muscle Shell rapid *- In the vicinity of present Mc Nary Dam. Yel lep pet** - Yelleppit (yelept, "friend, blood brother" in Nez
Perce, and yalipt, "trading partner" in Shahaptian) April 28, 1806 " This morning early the Great Chief Yelleppet brought a very eligant white horse to our camp and presented him to me, signifying his wish to get a kittle but being informed that we had already disposed of every kittle we could possibly spare he said he was content with whatever I thought proper. I gave him my Swoard, 100 balls & powder and some small articles of which he appeared perfectly satisfied. being anxious to depart we requested the Chief to furnish us with canoes to pass the river, but he insisted on our remaing with him this day at least, that he would be much pleased if we would consent to remain two or 3 days, but he would not let us have canoes to leave him this day. a little before Sun Set the Chim nah pams* arrived; they were about 100 men and a fiew women; they joined the Wallah wallahs who were about 150 men and formed a half circle arround our camp where they waited verry patiently to See our party dance. the fiddle was played and the men amused themselves with danceing ... the whole assemblage of Indians about 350 men women and Children sung and danced at the same time." Clark Chim nah pams* - Yakimas April 29, 1806 "This morning Yelleppit furnished us with 2 canoes, and We began to transport our baggage over the river; we also sent a party of the men over to collect our horses. we had now a store of 12 dogs for our voyage through the plains. " |