April 19, 1805 (Remained camped in Williams County, North Dakota) April 21, 1805 "Set out an early hour this morning. Capt Clark walked on shore; the wind tho' head was not violent. the country through which we passed is very simelar in every rispect to that through which we have passed for several days. - We saw immence herds of buffaloe Elk deer & antelopes. we reached the place of incampment after dark, which was on the Lard. side a little above White earth river*." White earth river* - Not to be confused with the present day White Earth River, which they passed on April 16 without naming it. The present stream is Little Muddy River or Creek, in Williams County, North Dakota. The camp was in McKenzie County, nearly present Williston, North Dakota April 22, 1805 " walking on shore this evening I met with a buffaloe calf which attached itself to me and continued to follow close at my heels untill I embarked and left. It appeared allarmed at my dog which was probably the cause of it’s so readily attaching itself to me." April 23, 1805 " the winds of this countrey which blow with some violence almost every
day, has become a Serious obstruction in our progession onward." "Soar eyes is a common complaint among the party. I believe it origenates from the immence quantities of sand which is driven by the wind from the sandbars of the river is such clouds that you are unable to discover the opposite bank of the river." Captain Lewis Setting out early, the Corps becomes detained because of the wind. Lewis searches for the Yellowstone River, " from the reports of the hunters who were out yesterday, and believing that we were at no very great distance from the Yellow stone River; I determined in order as mush as possible to avoid detention, to proceed by land with a few men." Lewis April 26, 1805 Lewis investigates the confluence of the Yellowstone & Missouri Rivers while Clark, a days march behind Lewis, leds the group to rejoin Lewis, " in the evening I walked down and joined the party at their encampment; found them all in good health, and much pleased at having arrived at this long wished for spot, we ordered a dram to be issued to each person; this soon produced the fiddle, and they spent the evening with much hilarity, singing & dancing, and seemed as perfectly to forget their past toils, as they appeared regardless of those to come." April 27, 1805 Lewis describes an area that would become Fort Union Trading Post in 1829, " on the point of the high plain at the lower extremity of this lake I think would be the most eligible site for an establishment." April 28, 1805 Hoisting the sails up the Corps took advantage of the windy weather, "employed our sails to advantage. We saw great quantities of game today; consiting of the common and mule deer, Elk, Buffaloe, and Antelopes; also four brown bear." April 29, 1805 Lewis encounters a pair of bears: " we fell in with two brown or yellow bear; both of which we wounded; one of them made his escape, the other after firing on him pursued me seventy or eighty yards. The Indians may well fear this anamal equipped as they generally are with their bows and arrows…"