![]() Portaging around the great falls of the Missouri June 29, 1805 "not haveing seen the large fountain* of which Capt. Clarke spoke I determined to visit it today as I could better spare this day from my attention to the boat than probably any other when the work would be further advanced; I took Drewyer and seet out for the fountain ... we were overtaken by a violent gust of wind and rain attended by thunder and Litning. I expected a hail storm probably from this cloud and therefore took refuge in a little gully where there were some broad stones with which I purposed protecting my head if we should have a repetiion of the seene of the 27th but fortunately we had but little hail and that not large; I sat very composedly for about an hour without sheter and took a copious drenching of rain; after the shower was over I continued my rout to the fountain which I found much as Capt. C; had discribed & think it may well be retained on the list of prodegies of this neighbourhood towards which, nature seems to have dealt with a liberal hand, for I have scarcely experienced a day since my first arrival in this quarter without experienceing some novel occurenace among the party or witnessing the appearance of some uncommon object. I think this fountain the largest I ever beheld, and the hadsom cascade which it affords over some steep and irregular rocks in it's passage to the river adds not a little to it's beauty. after amusing myself about 20 minutes in examining the fountain I found myself so chilled with my wet cloathes that I determined to return and accordingly set out. on my arrival at camp I was astonished not to find the party yet arrived." Lewis large fountain* - Giant Springs is now located in a park northeast of the city of Great Falls, Montana. It has been said to discharge 388,800,000 gallons of water every twenty-four hours, but more recent measurements indicate 174 - 213,000,000 gallons a day. Described by Clark on June 18, 1805. " Finding that the Prairie was so wet as to render it impossible to pass on to the end of the portage, deturmined to Send back to the top of the hill at the Creek for the remaining part of the baggage at this place, I deturmined my Self to proceed on to the falls and take the river, according we all set out, I took my Servant one man Chabono our Interpreter & his wife. Soon after arriving at the falls, I perceived a Cloud and looked for shelter.... about 1/4 miles above the falls I obsd a Deep rivein in which was Shelveing rocks under which we took Shelter near the river and placed our guns the Compass under a Shelveing rock, in a place which was verry Secure from rain, the first shower was moderate ... soon a torrent of rain and hail fell more violent than ever I saw before, the rain fell like on voley of water falling from the heavens and gave us time only to get out of the way of a torrent of water which was Poreing down the hill in the River with emence force tareing everything before it takeing with it large rocks & mud. I took my gun & Shot pouch in my left hand, and with the right scrambled up the hill pushing the Interpreters wife (who had her Child in her arms) before me, the Interpreter himself makeing attempts to pull his wife by the hand much scared and nearly without motion - we at length retched the top of the hill Safe where I found my Servent in Serch of us greatly agitated , for our wellfar - before I got out of the bottom of the revein which was a flat dry rock when I entered it, the water was up to my waste & wet my watch, I Scrcely got out before it raised 10 feet deep with a torrent which turrouble to behold. I derected the party to return to the Camp at the run as fast as possible to get to our loade where Clothes could be got to cover the child whose cloathes were all lost, and the woman who was but just recovering from a Severe indisposition, and was wet and Cold, I was fearfull of a relaps. I lost at the river in the torrent the large Compas, an eligant fusee, Tomahawk Humbrallo, Shot pouh, & horn with powder & Ball, mockersons & the woman lost her Childs Bear & Clothes bedding - The Compass is a Serious loss ; as we have no other large one." Clark June 30, 1805 " I begin to be extremely impatient to be off as the season is now waisting a pace nearly three months have now elapsed since we left Fort Mandan and not yet reached the Rocky Mountains I am therefore fully preswaded that we shall not reach Fort Mandan again this season if we even return from the ocean to the Snake Indians." Lewis "I dispatch the party except 5 for the remaining baggage scattered in the plains, two to hunt for meat, two to the falls, and one to cook - at 10 oClock the hunters Came in loaded with fat meat, & those dispatched for the baggage returned with it. I set 4 men to make new axeltrees & repare the Carrages, others to take the load across the run which had fallen & is about 3 feet water, men complain of being swore this day dull and lolling about, the two men dispatched in serch of the articls lost yesterday returned and brought the Compass which they found in the mud & Stones near the mouth of the revein, no other articles found. Great numbers of Buffalow in every direction, I think 10,000 may be seen in a view." Clark July 1, 1805 TIMELINE >> " party all buisey employed in fitting up the Iron boat, ... by evening the skins were all attatched to their sections and I returned them again to the water. all matters were now in readiness to commence the operation of putting the parts of the boat together in the monring. Capt. Clark arrived with the party all very much fortiegued. we gave them a dram and suffered them to rest from their labours this evening." Lewis "We set out early this morning with the remaining load, and proceeded on verry well to Capt Lewis's Camp where we arrived at 3 oClock, the Day worm and party much fatigued, found Capt Lewis and party all buisey employed in fitting up the Iron Boat. the hail which fell at Capt. Lewis Camp 27 Ins* was 7 Inches in circumfrance & waied 3 ounces, fortunately for us it was not so large in the plains, if it had we should most certainly fallen victims to its rage as the men were mostly naked, and but few with hats or any covering on their heads.' Clark 27 Ins* - Referring to June 27, 1805 July 2, 1805 TIMELINE >> " Capt. Clark Myself and 12 men passed over to the large Island to hunt bear. We found one only which made at Drewyer and he shot him in the breast. This was a young male and would weigh about 400 lbs." Lewis July 3, 1805 TIMELINE >> "the Indians have informed us that we should shortly leave the buffaloe country after passing the falls; this I much regret for I know when we leave the buffaloe that we shall sometimes be under the neccessity of fasting occasionally." Lewis