Lewis and
Clark Trail ~From Sea to Shining Sea ~ Suggested Itinerary |
Departure City
- Destination City |
Miles |
Field Notes |
Pittsburgh, PA -
Cincinnati, Ohio |
482 miles |
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Wheeling, WV - Lewis landed here on September 7, 1803 on his
newly built keelboat. Visit Grave Creek Mound (one of the
largest conical mounds constructed during the late Adena Period.
Construction took place in successive stages from about 250-150 B.C.).
801 Jefferson Ave, Moundsville, WV 26041-2241
Maysville, Kentucky - Lewis must have recruited John Colter
here on September 22nd or 23rd, 1803. Later,
in about 1808, Colter “discovered” Yellowstone Park area.
Visit the Mayville's Historic District, which is nestled along
the banks of the Ohio River. The Port of Maysville, an 1800s
era river town. And just a short trip up the Buffalo Trace is the
Washington Historic District; an authentic pioneer community of 1790s
log cabins, shops and museums.
216 Bridge St, Maysville, KY 41056-1208
Cincinnati, Ohio -Thomas Jefferson, who commissioned the
expedition, asked Lewis to stop at Big Bone and collect bones of the
giant mammals that were preserved in the salt lick.
Visit Big Bone
Lick State Park, Union, Kentucky near Cincinnati.
3380 Beaver Rd, Union, KY 41091-8433
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