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July 28, 1804 -Camped north of Council Bluffs, Iowa "Drewyer brought in a Missourie Indian which he met with hunting in the Prairie. His party was small consisting of 20 lodges. This Indian is one of the fiew remaining of that nation, & lives with the Otteauz, his camp about 4 miles from the river, he informs that the ' great gangue' of the natino were hunting the Buffalow in the Plains. his party was Small consisting only of about 20 Lodges, miles furthr a nother Camp where there was a french man, who lived in the nation, This Indian appeared spritely, and appeared to make use of the Same pronouncation of the Osarge, Calling a Chief Inca*." Clark Chief Inca* - The Osage and Missouri languages are both of the Siouan language family, though of different divisions within that family, the first in the Dhegiha, the second in the Chiwere division. "inca" has no connection with the Incas of South America. Robert L Rankin (personal communcation) identifies the word as haka, the Osage word signifying "sacred being" or "chief"; La Flesche gives it as Ho-ga. July 29, 1804 "Sent a french man la Liberty* with the Indian to Otteauze Camp to envite the Indians to meet us on the river above. a Dark morning wind form the W.N.W. rained all last night - Set out at 5 oClock & proceeded on ... Cought three large Cat fish to day verry fat one of them nearly white those Cat are so plenty that they may be cought in any part of this river but fiew fish of any other kind - passed much falling timber apparently the ravages of a Dreadfull harican** which had passed obliquely across the river about twelve months since, may trees were broken off near the ground the trunks of which were Sound and four feet in Diameter." Clark french man la Liberty* - The first mention, at least my name, of this man, evidently a French engage. Because he was not a soldier, he did not desert, in the precise legal sense, but only quit the expedition. Dreadfull harican** - The "hurricane" was probably a tornado. July 30, 1804 -Camped near Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, the party's Council Bluff "Set out early this morning proceeded on to a Clear open Prairie on the LS on a rise of about 70 feet higher than the bottom which is also a Prairie both forming Bluffs to the river of High Grass Plumb bush Grapes and situated above high water is a small grove of timber at the foot of the Riseing Ground between those two prairies, and below the Bluffs of the high prairie we Came too and formed a Camp*, intending to waite the return of the french man & Indians. - the white horse which we found near the Kanzeis River, Died last night. I am ingaged in and drawing off my courses to accompany the map Drawn at White Catfish Camp." Clark "this day Joseph Fields killed a Braro** as it is called by the French engages. it's weight is sixteen pounds." Lewis formed a Camp* - This bluff became known as the Council Bluff ( or, with adjacent bluffs, as the Council Bluffs) from the meeting the captains held there with the Indians during the next few days. The city of Council Bluffs, Iowa, although it is downstream and on the opposite bank, takes its name from these bluffs. Braro** - The badger was probably the first zoological specimen preserved by Lewis on the expedition. Lewis skinned and stuffed it to send back to Jefferson. July 31, 1804 - Remained at Council Bluff "G. Drewyer killed a verry fat Buck one Inch fat on the ribs - R & Jo Fields returned at 10 oClock they killed 3 deer and lost the horses, Cought a small beever which is already taim, Several men out hunting the horses without Sukcess. The Indians not yet arrived." Clark " I am verry Sick and has been for somtime but have recovered my helth again." Sergeant Floyd August 1, 1804 - Remained at Council Bluff "This being my birth day I order'd a Saddle of fat Vennison, and Elk fleece & a Bevertail to be cooked and a desert of Cheries, Plumbs, Raspberries Currents and grapes of a Supr. quallity. The Indians not yet arrived" Clark August 2, 1804 - Remained at Council Bluff "At sunset Mr. Fairfong (Ottoe interpreter resident with them) and an Otteau & Missourie Nation came to camp, among those Indians 6 were Chiefs. Capt. Lewis & myself met those Indians & informed them we were glad to see them and would speak to them tomorrow. Sent them some rosted meat, pork flour & meal, in return they sent us water millions." Clark August 3, 1804 - Camped
near DeSoto Refuge
keywords: lewis and clark in history, journal entry july 28, 1804, july 29,
1804, july 30, 1804, july 31, 1804, august 1, 1804, august 2, 1804, august 3,
1804, first indian council, desoto refuge, council bluff,
ottoe indians, missouri, indians, fort calhoun, nebraska