Where the Buffalo Roam
Buffalo Interpretive Center, Lower Brule, SD
The National Bison Range, Montana. Established in 1908
it is one of the oldest Wildlife Refuges in the
nation and is home to
about 350-500 of these animals. Because of
its open grasslands, the Bison Range is a place
for the public to enjoy some excellent wildlife
observation and photography.
Did You Know?
On August 23, 1804, in South Dakota, Lewis and Clark feasted on their
first buffalo. While traveling through the Great Plains the Bison
provided an excellent food source for the men. Each man ate about nine
pounds of meat a day. Lewis and Clark timeline and map.
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Lewis and Clark Commemorative
Events & Happenings
Where were Lewis and Clark on:
July 4, 1804
July 4, 1805
July 4, 1806
July 22, 2013 @ 4:30-7:30 PM : Interpretive program @
Traveler's Rest.
July 25- 28, 2013: Milk River Indian
Days in Harlem, Montana. Milk River Indian Days will be held at the Fort
Belknap Pow Wow Grounds in Fort Belknap, Montana.
The Fort Belknap
Indian Reservation is located in north central Montana near the Canadian
July 27 - 28, 2013: Clark's
Event honors the
Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803-1806.
@ Pompeys
Pillar National Historic Landmark (25 miles east of Billings, Montana).
July 28 - 31, 2013:
45th Annual
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Meeting in Bismarck, North